$299 consult, ultrasound & AMH bloodwork
Ember Fertility Center is proud to offer a $299 fertility evaluation. See our fertility specialist and more!
Open House Event at Ember Fertility Center
Open house is free to everyone, with staff answering all questions! RSVP now using our form or at 949-666-2229.
Ember Fertility Clinic Featured on TLC TV Shows “90-Day Fiancé” & “90 Day: The Single Life”
Our clinic, staff & a patient are featured on the TLC TV shows “90 Day: The Single Life” & “90-Day Fiancé.”
Single Wealthy Women Traveling To Obtain Sought-After Sperm Donors
Annie Zhang, Ember Fertility Center’s operation director, discusses fertility trends of single wealthy women in mainland China.
Announcing Our New Name: Ember Fertility Center (EFC)
Laguna Hills, CA – We are excited to announce that we are now Ember Fertility Center (EFC): New name, same dedication to the small things and your success.
Dr. Asemi Discusses Alabama Supreme Court Embryo Ruling
Dr. Asemi warns MarketWatch IVF costs may rise, for both patients and employers who offer fertility benefits.
CooperSurgical Embryo Culture Oil Recall
Ember Fertility Center has never used the recalled CooperSurgical embryo culture oil, we invest in the highest quality oil by Vitrolife.
Acupuncture & Infertility Treatment
Acupuncture is an alternative medical treatment that involves placing very thin needles at different points on the body.
Ovulation Detection
Determining when ovulation is occurring might seem frustrating and time consuming, it is often an essential step toward achieving pregnancy.
Smoking & Infertility
Smoking can affect the ability to have a child. Smoking increases the risk for heart, vascular, and lung disease.