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How to Get Pregnant

Key points of how to get pregnant

  • Regular, unprotected sexual intercourse during a woman’s fertile window, which is generally several days around ovulation, increases the chances of natural conception.
  • Knowing when ovulation occurs, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can improve the chances of conception.
  • Women’s chances of conceiving naturally decline with age, and if pregnancy hasn’t occurred within the first year of trying (or 6 months if over 35), it’s time to see a fertility specialist.
  • Ember offers tailored treatment plans and support for individuals having trouble getting pregnant, including evaluation of potential causes and a range of treatment options.

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How to get pregnant: the basics of conception

For those looking to start a family, it all begins with understanding the process of conception. While it may seem like a straightforward process, there are many factors that can impact a couple’s ability to conceive, and these must all align correctly. Understanding the anatomy involved is often helpful when beginning the journey to having a baby.

The female reproductive system includes the uterus, ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes. To get pregnant, an egg released from the ovary must be fertilized by sperm. Once fertilization has occurred, the developing embryo travels through one of the fallopian tubes and implants in the uterus.

The chances of conceiving depend on several factors, including age, timing and overall health. In general, women in their 20s and early 30s have a higher chance of getting pregnant each month than women in their late 30s and 40s. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine notes that a healthy woman age 30 has a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month. That chance is only 5% by age 40.

The quality and quantity of sperm can impact the chances of conception, as can other factors such as abnormalities in each individual’s reproductive anatomy. Additionally, certain medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis can impair fertility.

How to get pregnant faster: tips to conceive

While there are untold factors involved in conceiving, there are several steps couples can take to increase their chances of getting pregnant faster. The first is understanding that pregnancy is not possible roughly 24 days out of a month.

Understanding the fertile window

Having somewhat frequent sexual intercourse during the fertile window can help maximize the chances of sperm fertilizing an egg. Conception is possible usually the five days leading up to ovulation and the day of ovulation. This fertile window can vary by individual and whether or not periods are regular or irregular.

The five days prior to ovulation is possible because after being ejaculated, sperm can live for about five days in the woman. The egg lives for only 12-24 hours after ovulation.

Once a couple understands this reality, they can take steps to improve their chances of getting pregnant. These include the following.

  • Tracking ovulation: Knowing when ovulation occurs is crucial for timing sexual intercourse to coincide with the fertile window. This can be done through methods such as tracking basal body temperature, using ovulation predictor kits, or monitoring changes in cervical mucus.
  • Ultrasound monitoring: Utilizing ultrasound technology and bloodwork, our physician closely monitors a woman’s ovaries and follicles to track the development and maturation of eggs. This helps determine the optimal timing for intercourse, increasing the chances of successful fertilization. Ember has had success with this ultrasound monitoring process, helping young women with low anti-Müllerian hormone levels become pregnant.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: Eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and illicit drug use can all help optimize fertility.
  • Managing stress: High levels of stress can indirectly impact fertility, so finding ways to manage stress, such as through relaxation techniques or counseling, can be beneficial.
  • Staying hydrated: Drinking plenty of water promotes healthy sperm and eggs, not to mention making cervical mucus more hospitable to sperm.
  • Ensuring adequate intake of vitamins and minerals: Certain vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, vitamin D and zinc, are crucial for fertility. Consider taking a prenatal vitamin or a fertility supplement to ensure adequate intake.
  • Considering infertility testing: If conception does not occur within a year of trying (or six months if the woman is over age 35), consider getting a fertility evaluation to identify any underlying issues that may be impacting fertility.

Avoid myths about getting pregnant

There is no shortage of myths and superstitions when it comes to getting pregnant. From eating certain foods to avoiding certain activities, old wives’ tales on getting pregnant have been passed down through generations. While there is always a chance that some of this advice may help couples get pregnant, the medical and scientific evidence is often lacking.

  • Myth: Having sex in certain positions or at certain times of day increases the chances of conception.
  • Fact: While certain positions may allow for deeper penetration, there is no scientific evidence that any position or time of day increases the chances of conception.
  • Myth: Eating certain foods or avoiding others can improve fertility.
  • Fact: While a healthy diet is important for overall health and well-being, there is no specific food or diet that has been proven to improve fertility.
  • Myth: Elevating the hips or lying down after sex can improve the chances of conception.
  • Fact: There is no evidence to support the idea that elevating the hips or lying down after sex increases the chances of conception.

To increase the chances of getting pregnant, couples should instead focus on taking the right steps (see above) for natural conception.

When to see a fertility specialist

While no two couples’ journeys to pregnancy are typically the same, getting advice and evaluation from a fertility specialist is recommended for couples after one year of trying to conceive (or six months if either partner is over 35). While trying to conceive naturally, couples should try to keep track of the woman’s menstrual cycle and track ovulation, among other steps.

Fertility specialists use a variety of tests to diagnose infertility and help couples get pregnant. These tests include blood tests to check hormone levels, ultrasounds to check for cysts or any physical blockages and semen analysis for the male partner.

Getting pregnant can be a journey with many twists and turns. Our specialist, Dr. William Freije, can offer guidance and support along the way.

Related reading: What to expect at your first appointment

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